There are many things in this life I enjoy and there are many things in this life I have yet to at the top of my list is make the world a better place than I found it and bring joy to the people in my life including myself.

Educator & Developer.
Some of my details
- Birthday: June 6, 1963
- Website: riowaller.github.io
- Phone: 559-492-6091
- City: California, USA
- Age: 30
- Degree: Master
- PhEmailone: email@example.com
- Freelance: Available
Details are just, but that they don't make a person but they give you a little bit of information into their life
I grew up on a farm and thought that farm life was my life until I realised it wasn't and I ventured out. I drove from Oklahoma to California the day after I graduated high school and started my adventure that led to me going to a community college that I ended up teaching at years later.
The following are not facts, but my best guesses.
Number of students served
Number of hours spent grading
Miles run
Hour of video recorded